Drink and Be Quenched!
During the winter season it's possible to drink less water which leads to dehydration. Usually you become aware of this when your lips start to dry out and your face and body feels really dry. What's the first thing you reach for? Oils, creams, butter, lotions... This may sound suitable but you are lacking something truly important: Water.
The skin is the first to lose water to hydrate those vital organs for life. You'll feel it in your skin first, then next your digestive system will complain and so on... Drink room temperature water throughout the day during your winter months. Make sure you're drinking half of your body weight (water in ounces). You can alkaline it for taste using a tsp of lime, lemon, or apple cider vinegar (no sweetener).
Winter also correlates to your dark side. During your dark times (or personal winter) there is healing, processing, reasoning,...silent work going on! These times are necessary for your growth. When you attempt to ignore this phase or skip it all together you are dehydrating your soul. Think of your spiritual body as a plant or tree. You need various elements to grow and produce fruit. You are here to grow and produce spiritual fruit. It is what our creator intended for us. When you are giving your spiritual body what is needs to grow, you will only mirror the same with your physical body. Likewise, when you ignore your spiritual body it's made obvious in how you treat your physical body.
When you are truly quenched then and only then can the oil of life seal you into safety and perfection, skin & body + heart & soul: Empowering Your Beauty!
Love Power!
J. Crystal Profit El