Friday, July 22, 2016

Sugar: Beauty's Antidote and Antithesis

I'm a huge fan of sugar! I always have been since my childhood: looking forward to every holiday that allowed me to indulge. Growing up I started limiting myself to candy and foods with added bleached sugars because I wanted healthy teeth, then as a young adult because I wanted a healthy body. One year as a young adult while out with family I noticed something strange. I attempted to eat a sugary based treat as an indulgent. After consuming a couple of bites my stomach said, "hell no!" My body without my conscious awareness had detoxed itself from bleached sugar and food products. After that unpleasant experience, I stuck to raw sugar or alternative natural sweeteners, whole grains, etc...

Fast forward about a decade I begin researching skin treatments for my daughter. I discovered the components of sugar and its’ blessed reactions with the skin. Soon I began experimenting and mixing natural compounds. What I found to be true: Sugar is a natural skin healer and regenerator. I'm not speaking of just a scrub with some oils, yes those are great. I'm speaking of making a natural base formula to do better than what most skin care companies claim and cannot. Sugar is an antidote for certain skin conditions, including aging!

Now, let's go back in time to me eating sugar (candy, desserts, and foods/beverages with added sugars). I noticed the more my nutritional intake heightened and became more plant based, my body responded to these foods (be it added raw sugar or a natural alternative) more negatively. It just didn't want it. However, my tongue and other mentally driven desires said otherwise. The added sweetness to my food made me feel, sooooo good! Oatmeal, vegan pancakes, whole grain vegan desserts just called my name for the soothing of my taste bud soul. I was addicted like every other person in the US. Sugar was my drug. My body would soon pay the price if I didn’t stop using it.

I looked into the effects on the body to see if anyone experienced symptoms like me. My blood was tested several times. I was found not even close to being diabetic. What I did find was that sugar made the digestive organs work harder. It also causes dehydration. Worst, it feeds cancer cells. Overall, it is a premature aging factor/contributor. In my opinion it can do more harm than the sun because it’s internal. I realized sugar can be an antithesis to the body when consumed outside of its’ source.

I decided to look deeper into my addiction. I wanted to shake it. I managed to eliminate raw cane sugar from my house, only to replace it with coconut sugar and agave. Still I was purchasing foods made with organic cane sugar (or evaporated cane juice). I needed help. A nutritional coach asked me to look into my personal life and note where I was lacking "sweetness". I never heard this before. I thought the question would be easy but it wasn’t. I had self-love, I had beautiful children, my love life was okay (I thought). I truly felt empowered. Still something sweet was missing. I had to look into places that weren't so obvious. I had to look into the depths of my heart. A place where sugar became the replacement for the true sweetness I was missing from my life.

So began my journey of emotional healing…. My long story made short, I was missing my inner love that’s truly sweet. My deep desires that remained subconscious due to responsibilities that took precedent over my inner needs. I changed my prayers to focus on me opening doors and receiving the sweetness that made me feel sooooo good. How can I expect my children or anyone I mentor to have their sweet heart’s desires if I myself have not experienced it? It was time to start pursuing what I buried deep down, due to whatever! It made me see that in all my self-empowerment I did not value myself as much as I thought I did. It was time to come out of my comfort zone and step onto the stage of life I sing about. Be seen, be known, and share without fear of judgement, or failure, or even success! Now, I can start tasting the sweetness; the sweetness of me.

This past June, I decided to eliminate 100% of added sugars and sweeteners completely from my nutritional intake. Since then, it has not been easy. I succumbed three times: once to a sample of a vegan chocolate chip whole grain cookie made for my sons actually; second to a slice of birthday cake my sons help make for a celebration; and third to a taste of a berry sorbet while visiting the Cascade Mountains. It’s a process and each day gets better. My body feels lighter, my chronic fatigue headaches have subsided, and of course I look 2-3 years younger than I did before.

Each day I remind myself I’m sweet enough. Each day I focus on tasting life’s sweetness pouring on me, fulfilling my heart’s secret desires that make me feel sooooo good. Some days it’s simply speaking with a friend that fills my heart. Most days it’s been working on my music and songs. So, I definitely see where this is going. I have a feeling I’ll be singing full time by next summer. When I sing, I can feel the sweetness. I’m heightened and in my full zenith. It’s where I belong, wrapped in a song.

I bet any money you feel inspired by this. Seeing you do, let me help you find your sweetness in life. My coaching experience can guide you to where your true sweetness and beauty sits waiting on you to reveal it. In doing so you’ll let go of harmful food addictions that replace what you are really longing for—sweet.

Love Power!,
Jahnel "Crystal Queen" Profit, LE

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