The skin around your eye is the most delicate part of your facial area. Still, it's quite resilient when treated properly. Damage to the eye area starts off well before the effects are noticed:
- Makeup - We are eager to start wearing it! I see girls in high school doing it up daily. Each time you put makeup on the eyelids and around the eye area, then later remove it the damage has begun. Stress not--we can fix that!
- Cleansing - We usually pull down and tug around the eyes when cleansing and/or drying. After years of this habit, imagine the damage. Fear not--time heals all wounds!
- Sun Protection - Squinting....years of it. Need I elaborate more? Relax--where are your sunglasses? Or reading glasses maybe?
- Allergies/ Stress - Our emotions affect our health. Our Health affects our bodies. Our reactions are usually hands to the face in some form of pulling and tugging. Yes, that can be mutated. Did I say mutated? Yes, yes I did.
See, the truth is: fancy $$$$ cream and concoctions will mask the situation just enough to keep you buying more. Or, at least until you decide to have surgery. What do I suggest you say? Well for starters, aloe gel is the first go to for anyone under the age of 28 years. And please purchase only natural organic 100% aloe gel or start harvesting the plants yourself.
Start using 100% natural minerals to enhance your skin tone. Your makeup should always wash clean--one time. I have been on tv (Oklahoma days) and also I post videos regularly. I only wear minerals or nothing. I have seen women with their face caked with makeup for stage and tv. You must start taking care of your skin. This is where your protection and communication soars.
Learn proper skincare techniques. I give holistic skincare coaching and workshops often. You are welcome to join or sign up! Most workshops are free! (email me for details)
Meditation, exercise, and better nutritional habits will keep you healthy and help reduce your stress level. This does wonders for your skin! When you are balanced your skin can naturally glow!
Over 28? Herbal extracts will work faster to heal than any cream will. At night seal your treatment with your aloe and/ or a natural oil that contains vitamin e. Royal Nubian's oil free spray moisturizers contain herbal extracts to tighten the eye area and nourish cells for healing.
40's and up--you should try the Royal Nubian's enzyme treatments. These formulas were designed to assist your skin in healing and regeneration.
You asked the question, and I hope you are enjoying these answers in truth and love. I am open to examining other products you are using to see its' effectiveness on your skin. Thank you for sharing this article and I look forward to answering more of your questions. Send your questions anytime to
Love Power!
Crystal, LE
Empowering Your Beauty
How do I extract from an aloe plant?