Monday, October 31, 2016

Do you really need eye cream?

Oh what a little eye cream will do! At least that's how the cosmetic industry tells the story. I learned very early in life dabbing cream around the eyes was a serious marketing trick to make you think you're accomplishing something, only to need more and more. Certain skin types, will bypass the temporary high and head straight into the "what just happened to under my eye" phase!

The skin around your eye is the most delicate part of your facial area. Still, it's quite resilient when treated properly. Damage to the eye area starts off well before the effects are noticed:
  1. Makeup - We are eager to start wearing it! I see girls in high school doing it up daily. Each time you put makeup on the eyelids and around the eye area, then later remove it the damage has begun. Stress not--we can fix that!
  2. Cleansing - We usually pull down and tug around the eyes when cleansing and/or drying. After years of this habit, imagine the damage. Fear not--time heals all wounds!
  3. Sun Protection - Squinting....years of it. Need I elaborate more? Relax--where are your sunglasses? Or reading glasses maybe?
  4. Allergies/ Stress - Our emotions affect our health. Our Health affects our bodies. Our reactions are usually hands to the face in some form of pulling and tugging. Yes, that can be mutated. Did I say mutated? Yes, yes I did.
See, the truth is: fancy $$$$ cream and concoctions will mask the situation just enough to keep you buying more. Or, at least until you decide to have surgery. What do I suggest you say? Well for starters, aloe gel is the first go to for anyone under the age of 28 years. And please purchase only natural organic 100% aloe gel or start harvesting the plants yourself.

Start using 100% natural minerals to enhance your skin tone. Your makeup should always wash clean--one time. I have been on tv (Oklahoma days) and also I post videos regularly. I only wear minerals or nothing. I have seen women with their face caked with makeup for stage and tv. You must start taking care of your skin. This is where your protection and communication soars.

Learn proper skincare techniques. I give holistic skincare coaching and workshops often. You are welcome to join or sign up! Most workshops are free! (email me for details)

Meditation, exercise, and better nutritional habits will keep you healthy and help reduce your stress level. This does wonders for your skin! When you are balanced your skin can naturally glow!

Over 28? Herbal extracts will work faster to heal than any cream will. At night seal your treatment with your aloe and/ or a natural oil that contains vitamin e. Royal Nubian's oil free spray moisturizers contain herbal extracts to tighten the eye area and nourish cells for healing.

40's and up--you should try the Royal Nubian's enzyme treatments. These formulas were designed to assist your skin in healing and regeneration.

You asked the question, and I hope you are enjoying these answers in truth and love. I am open to examining other products you are using to see its' effectiveness on your skin. Thank you for sharing this article and I look forward to answering more of your questions. Send your questions anytime to

Love Power!
Crystal, LE

Empowering Your Beauty

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Water: Skin Care 4 Self Care

Greetings to You!

I hope you are embracing your autumn blessed. Out here in the pacific northwest (pnw) we are starting to get a little more rain and the leaves have turned into pillars of fire dancing in the soft cool wind. I notice as you may also every turn of season I tend to not feel the need to drink water. I know my body needs it. So, what is happening exactly?

The reality is we are most often chronically dehydrated and not even aware of it. By the time we actually feel thirsty we are lacking proper fluids for our skin to function. The skin cells will happily give water to the vital organs to keep you alive before it keeps your supple skin beautiful. During hotter months we thirst quicker than during cooler months. Yet we still need the same amount of water if not more to keep our bodies cool, or warm.

I've learned to drink water at room temperature year round to be consistent in hydrating my body. I drink water 15 minutes before a meal and 30 minutes after a meal. Anytime I feel the urge to snack, I drink water first! Sometimes our bodies are looking for hydration and the urge feels more like hunger.

So, you don't like to drink a lot of water? Instead of other beverages try raw fruits and veggies. They contain water and your body will absorb it readily. Eating these everyday also helps keep your body hydrated.

During these times your skin may start to feel drier from moving from cold air to warm air frequently. My advice is to keep a bottle of your oil free spray moisturizer close by to spray your skin anytime you feel drier than usual. And, also keep a bottle of water handy for internal use!

Enjoy your autumn, keep drinking your water. Alkaline is best! I like the taste of spring water personally. I'll alkaline it by adding a splash of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Love Power!
Crystal, LE

ps - For beautiful skin and body drink a minimum of half your body weight in water daily...Need more info? Click here for wellness coaching at your fingertips!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Turn Over A New Leaf

Greetings to You on this lovely autumn day,

I hope all is well. And by chance it may not be, I can assure you it is all well. October is about change and improvement. Sometimes you might not realize you are resisting the change. When the change is going in a direction you're not, it's still a change as you learn to let go and move forward on your path.

The leaves are changing right now. Your body is changing right now. Your being is changing... Imagine a deciduous tree that refused to let go of leaves in the fall. Imagine your skin refusing to let go of dead skin cells. That would become a serious problem. You see when it's time to change for some it's also a time to let go. Not everyone is an evergreen. Change and letting go is a wonderful experience giving you an opportunity to improve your being and yes, empower your beauty!

Your skin care should reflect this change. Your blessed skin is a defender to your body and a messenger for your being. Allow autumn to become your season for self care through skin care. You can learn how to bless your skin and bless yourself  in the process.

Spa Nubia has wonderful events to help you to grow and understand your connections through your skin internally and externally. Understanding your skin holistically is major step in your health and wellbeing as a whole. So go ahead! Turn over a new leaf; look, face, cell, body, & aura!

You deserve to be beautiful!
​Crystal, LE

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Glow with the Harvest Moon!

The energy created from the moonlight can beautify us in so many ways. Many of us aren't aware how the earth's beauty is dependent on the moonlight. The plants we eat that nourish our bodies vibrate with abundance due to the blessed moonlight. The energy from those same plants when we consume them radiates within our bodies healing and regenerating. The same plants when placed on your skin will do the same--empowering your beauty!

Do you also remember the moonlight is light from the sun? This is why in some ancient texts it's referred to as the lesser light. It's soft hues don't emit powerful rays. It just glows an energy that is empowered by something much greater. Kinda like you and me!

So dance in the full moonlight! Embrace the transition it brings! Yes, you deserve to be beautiful!

Love Power!
Jahnel Crystal Profit, LE Royal Nubian

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Prepare Yourself to Be Beautiful!

Autumn is approaching and the season is beginning to change. It's a time of transitioning wherever you are right now in this world. It's also a time to prepare! You see this in nature. Animals that hibernate begin to eat more. Ants gather food and go underground. You see the birds start to take off in patterned flights heading south.

How shall you prepare for your change? Will you make it a change for abundance, greatness, and love? Or, will you make it a lesson to be learned? Whichever one you choose allow it to empower your essence and make you beautiful as the autumn colors.

Your skin deserves to be prepped for the change in seasons also. Don't wait until cold dry wind starts to blow. Start hydrating your skin daily now using Royal Nubian's oil free spray moisturizers. This Autumn we are adding 2 new formulas for hydrating the skin: Calming Sea and Rejuvenating Spa, both for all skin types with names that says it all.

Or visit one of our spa locations and have a Sea Oxygen Hydrating Facial. Are you in the Tacoma/Seattle Washington area? Visit the new location Spa Nubia Organic Facial Bar for the best treatments your skin could ever desire!

Love Power!
Jahnel Crystal Profit, LE

Empowering Your Beauty!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Your Tween and Skin Care (Back to School)

As I think back to when I was 11, my morning skin care routine before school involved the simplest steps. I used water alone to wash my face and I remember using some form of cocoa butter cream for my face and the remainder of my body. I always bathed at night before bed to wash off the day and germs. So my mornings ran quickly with ease even though I loved to sleep to the last minute of the alarm clock sounding off for school. Every morning before school was a simple quick routine of: 1. brushing my teeth, 2. washing my face, and 3. moisturizing my skin and hair all before putting on clothes and eating breakfast.

Now a mother of 3, I noticed morning skin care routines for my children seem more like a chore than good hygiene. As each one becomes a tween they just aren’t that interested in good hygiene for this moment in life. My simple steps I teach, which now includes a mild cleanser (instead of my childhood water), are just one to many. It’s almost like they are wishing for a magic portal to make them fresh and ready to walk out the door. Or even better, they’re waiting for me to do it for them!

Tweens may seem to have a hard time adjusting to their changing bodies and lives as they head off to middle school or junior high. Making sure they keep up with a good skin care routine is good for their health and hygiene. It also sets a good platform for them to continue on into their teenage years (when they really want it!). My advice is to keep their products simple and gentle. Now is a good time to introduce them to natural formulas to keep their skin as healthy as possible. If your tween has any active skin conditions like acne or eczema, inquire with your health practitioner about using natural alternatives first to treat their skin with nutrition integrated. Early prevention and correction can promote their self confidence among their peers and educators.

Your natural mild cleanser should only contain 10% soap or cleansing agent. If it contains more than that I recommend cutting it with oil and/or water. Too much soap or cleanser is very drying especially on young skin. To find out how much cleansing agent is in a bottle read the ingredient label. If it’s the first 1 to 3 ingredients listed it’s about 50% or more in content or you can call the company for the details. Try a moisturizer that’s aloe based first before using oil based. If your tween skin is still dry after using an aloe based, the oil based would work best.

After they have done their best in completing their morning routine and before they head out the door; look at your beautiful child/tween and remind them how beautiful they are inside and how gorgeous or handsome they are outside! They’re only a tween once! Make these years an easy transition you’ll both enjoy.

Love Power!

Jahnel Profit, Licensed Esthetician & Herbal Skin Care Therapist

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Natural Hair is Natural Skin

I love the fact that so many wooly haired women have turned away from chemical based products to claim their beauty. So why shouldn't your skin care follow the same principle? Well, it should.

Your hair is in fact an extension of the skin. The hair acts like a vehicle into the pores of the skin. What you put on your hair has the ability to be absorbed into the skin and into the bloodstream. Now that you are aware of this fact begin to consider changing your skin care and hair care products to a more natural and organic composition.

Royal Nubian Skin Care is a natural apothecary with the ability to custom formulate for the skin and hair. Whatever conditions you are experiencing with your skin or hair Royal Nubian can create products to beautify you without chemicals to hinder your progress.

Visit the website at for more information.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Sugar: Beauty's Antidote and Antithesis

I'm a huge fan of sugar! I always have been since my childhood: looking forward to every holiday that allowed me to indulge. Growing up I started limiting myself to candy and foods with added bleached sugars because I wanted healthy teeth, then as a young adult because I wanted a healthy body. One year as a young adult while out with family I noticed something strange. I attempted to eat a sugary based treat as an indulgent. After consuming a couple of bites my stomach said, "hell no!" My body without my conscious awareness had detoxed itself from bleached sugar and food products. After that unpleasant experience, I stuck to raw sugar or alternative natural sweeteners, whole grains, etc...

Fast forward about a decade I begin researching skin treatments for my daughter. I discovered the components of sugar and its’ blessed reactions with the skin. Soon I began experimenting and mixing natural compounds. What I found to be true: Sugar is a natural skin healer and regenerator. I'm not speaking of just a scrub with some oils, yes those are great. I'm speaking of making a natural base formula to do better than what most skin care companies claim and cannot. Sugar is an antidote for certain skin conditions, including aging!

Now, let's go back in time to me eating sugar (candy, desserts, and foods/beverages with added sugars). I noticed the more my nutritional intake heightened and became more plant based, my body responded to these foods (be it added raw sugar or a natural alternative) more negatively. It just didn't want it. However, my tongue and other mentally driven desires said otherwise. The added sweetness to my food made me feel, sooooo good! Oatmeal, vegan pancakes, whole grain vegan desserts just called my name for the soothing of my taste bud soul. I was addicted like every other person in the US. Sugar was my drug. My body would soon pay the price if I didn’t stop using it.

I looked into the effects on the body to see if anyone experienced symptoms like me. My blood was tested several times. I was found not even close to being diabetic. What I did find was that sugar made the digestive organs work harder. It also causes dehydration. Worst, it feeds cancer cells. Overall, it is a premature aging factor/contributor. In my opinion it can do more harm than the sun because it’s internal. I realized sugar can be an antithesis to the body when consumed outside of its’ source.

I decided to look deeper into my addiction. I wanted to shake it. I managed to eliminate raw cane sugar from my house, only to replace it with coconut sugar and agave. Still I was purchasing foods made with organic cane sugar (or evaporated cane juice). I needed help. A nutritional coach asked me to look into my personal life and note where I was lacking "sweetness". I never heard this before. I thought the question would be easy but it wasn’t. I had self-love, I had beautiful children, my love life was okay (I thought). I truly felt empowered. Still something sweet was missing. I had to look into places that weren't so obvious. I had to look into the depths of my heart. A place where sugar became the replacement for the true sweetness I was missing from my life.

So began my journey of emotional healing…. My long story made short, I was missing my inner love that’s truly sweet. My deep desires that remained subconscious due to responsibilities that took precedent over my inner needs. I changed my prayers to focus on me opening doors and receiving the sweetness that made me feel sooooo good. How can I expect my children or anyone I mentor to have their sweet heart’s desires if I myself have not experienced it? It was time to start pursuing what I buried deep down, due to whatever! It made me see that in all my self-empowerment I did not value myself as much as I thought I did. It was time to come out of my comfort zone and step onto the stage of life I sing about. Be seen, be known, and share without fear of judgement, or failure, or even success! Now, I can start tasting the sweetness; the sweetness of me.

This past June, I decided to eliminate 100% of added sugars and sweeteners completely from my nutritional intake. Since then, it has not been easy. I succumbed three times: once to a sample of a vegan chocolate chip whole grain cookie made for my sons actually; second to a slice of birthday cake my sons help make for a celebration; and third to a taste of a berry sorbet while visiting the Cascade Mountains. It’s a process and each day gets better. My body feels lighter, my chronic fatigue headaches have subsided, and of course I look 2-3 years younger than I did before.

Each day I remind myself I’m sweet enough. Each day I focus on tasting life’s sweetness pouring on me, fulfilling my heart’s secret desires that make me feel sooooo good. Some days it’s simply speaking with a friend that fills my heart. Most days it’s been working on my music and songs. So, I definitely see where this is going. I have a feeling I’ll be singing full time by next summer. When I sing, I can feel the sweetness. I’m heightened and in my full zenith. It’s where I belong, wrapped in a song.

I bet any money you feel inspired by this. Seeing you do, let me help you find your sweetness in life. My coaching experience can guide you to where your true sweetness and beauty sits waiting on you to reveal it. In doing so you’ll let go of harmful food addictions that replace what you are really longing for—sweet.

Love Power!,
Jahnel "Crystal Queen" Profit, LE

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Empowering Your Beauty! Healing starts now...

I create life, I create beauty, I create love,and healing. As the creator I create everyday. I also create war, death, fear, disease, and destruction. Which one will you choose? That which you choose, you shall create!

In light of recent racial wars and destructions, maybe now you will consider it's time to empower your beauty! Most people think I simply sell a bottle of soap, or sing some random poetic song--trying to be "somebody" in this world. When in fact, I already am, have been, and always will be: I have the gift of Love Power, empowering your beauty. Transformation of a united nation starts within a community one person at a time.

I speak at events, and I give personal coaching sessions with the ability to "take you there"! Now from the east coast to the west coast: Let's turn your anger into "Love Power!".

Contact me through

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Burn Your Weaves

I recently came across an article about a minister informing the members of his church to "leave the weaves behind" when they attend church. I was amazed, impressed, and empowered. You see, I have been repressing feelings about this topic for awhile. I've been wanting to express myself only to shy away, because the conflict it may create just wouldn't be worth it. My plate was full. So, I said when the time comes to release, I'll know. Well, the time has definitely come!

The things I am about to say are my opinionated facts based on my experience. Any research related material I gained information from is still in itself an opinion I gathered from the results of my information. I know there's a plot/propaganda that exists to disengage women with bushy curly hair from their true innate power. It all started with our hair. We weren't beautiful because it didn't flow like our straight haired women, no matter how milky white the skin, or how European the features appeared. We overcame that with the invention of Madame CJ Walker's hair relaxer. However, I don't believe it was her intent for women to continue this path. It was a season to empower us on our road to complete and total freedom--whole body and spirit.

Freedom is a strong word. It has a vast composition of meaning and value. I began to feel the need for total freedom in my teens. I needed a sense of it; being I was free to be me as God created me! The number one propaganda used was through religion. I remember growing up being told my hair should always be plaited and braided down, my hair was too wild when it was free, and that it was unbecoming of a lady. So, of course I never attended church without my hair combed! As the Angels weighed heavier on my heart, I slowly began my transition. That was over 20 years ago. It was not an easy walk. I knew quietly I was giving other women the strength to do the same.

So now, many women are "going natural". That's wonderful! I'm extremely elated about it. However, the weave industry is more stronger today than it was 20 years ago. Every natural hair expo is filled with sponsors and vendors with weave products and toxic chemical based natural hair and skin care products. I don’t think we truly understand what it means to "go natural"!

I meet spiritual women who love God everyday; 80% of these women wear fake hair. When asked why don't you wear your own hair, the answer is usually "I like to change my look". When the truth really is they are not comfortable in their own hair. The weave industry has a new term called protective styling. I've been natural for over 20 years. What do I need to protect my natural hair from?! Oh, maybe it's combing it. I don't know because you still have to comb most weaves. Locks are a great alternative and they are a powerful energy conductor. Good news--you don't have to comb them! Even better, it's your own hair. So, I'm asking a question that needs to be answered. Why are women with not so straight hair afraid of showing off their blessed gift from God, your creator?

In my blessed opinion, they're not! The money markets that have been created on the low self esteem of us....won't let you! These markets will stop at nothing from tearing you down to fatten their pockets just as they've done for the past 600+ years. When will we stop? When every God fearing woman shares her story of allowing God's gift of beauty reign through her for total freedom, as Madame CJ Walker truly wanted.

So, here's’ the methodology: Spiritual God fearing women cut their hair and offer it up as a sacrifice to be closer to God and increase their spiritual awareness. The conductors of these chapels don’t burn the hair, instead they sell it for money to low self esteem spiritually vain women. What used to be very spiritual has become a multi-billion dollar business. How much of this money is actually seen in the communities of the women who buy the hair? $0 And your stylist’ income or 3rd party community vendor does not count. In South America, the women offering up their hair is an even sadder story to repeat involving political propaganda and gang relations. Oh, and it doesn’t stop there….You can believe U.S. customs, and etc are getting their cut!

All women everywhere with hair that is curlier than the average curl, bushier than the thickest bush, nappier as happy nappy can be: EMBRACE GOD’S GIFT OF GLORY AND WEAR YOUR TRUE CROWN!!!! BURN YOUR WEAVES NOW!!! THE TIME HAS COME AND THE TIME IS NOW! GOD MADE YOU BEAUTIFUL  AS THE TREES AND CLOUDS! IT’S TIME TO BE PROUD!!!!

Even more begin to embrace a more natural and holistic way of life as your creator intended for you: Original Queen (place your name here). For I too remember the struggle, as the Angels reminded me of who I was with every life cycle growing stronger and stronger. I am yours and always, Original Queen Jahnel: Empress Jah.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

This is a special day honored in the US and other places as well (not sure where). My grandma, who I also called mama, would remind me “Every day is Mother's Day, honey"! Although, her soul has transitioned, she still communicates with me to remind me. Only now she has brought my understanding truly higher. Every time we pray, we're taught to say father God. In actuality, we have a spiritual mother and father. And every time we pray, we give honor to them, our creator. Understanding this, I truly recognize Mother's Day is in fact every day!

If you are a mother or a mother figure be blessed and enjoy your day - - every day, for you are an image of your creator.

Peace and love,
Jahnel Profit, LE

Friday, May 6, 2016

Translate Your Beauty (part 1)

Everyday I'm amazed at the beauty of nature. I love watching the volcano Mount Rainier. A beauty for eyes to weep at. Some days it's not visible because of the clouds hanging low. A simple shift in the wind direction and it appears. It's March here in Washington and the temps vary from 40 to 70 degrees F. However at the top of the mountain where you see the snow, the temps are lower and very frigid compared to here in the valley and hills. It's the same area but different places of existence.

Think of yourself in the same way, as a location. Right now your way of living may have you down in the valley or on a hill. Truly in your mind, you know you are a majestic mountain that cannot be seen due to obstruction. You need a shift in your direction to open you up to a constant state of beauty, even when clouds are low.

I create powerful products made wholly from nature. These natural substances are formulated by me to interact with your skin cells and empower them to regenerate. I am the only natural skin care company with this gift. Every time you use your custom formula you possess the power to translate your beauty to the outside removing obstructions. I know you believe, that's why you're reading this now. It's time to shift, change directions, and be majestic!

To be continued…
By Jahnel Profit, LE